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Memorabilia of Acta Meteorologica Sinica
In July 1925, the Journal of Chinese Meteorological Society (JCMS) was launched. Peng Jiqun was elected Chief Editor. The JCMS Editorial Office was sited at Qingdao Observatory.
In October 1927, Chen Kaiyuan was elected Chief Editor at the fourth council meeting of the CMS.
In October 1934, a special issue was published in memory of the 10th anniversary of the CMS. The JCMS Editorial Officewas relocated to Beijige in Nanjing.
On 22 June 1935, the 11th Council of CMS decided to change the journal title into Meteorological Magazine and made it a monthly periodical. Tu Changwang was appointed Chief Editor.
On 2 April 1941, the fourth editorial committee meeting proposed that Meteorological Magazine be changed into Acta Meteorologica Sinica (AMS) and each article be published with an English abstract starting from Vol. 15. Tu Changwang and Lu Jiong were appointed Co-Chief Editors. The Editorial Office was moved to Xiangzhuang, Beipei, Chongqing.
In December 1944, a special volume of AMS, Vol. 18, was published in memory of the 20th anniversary of the CMS. Lu Jiong wrote a dedicated preface for this volume.
1947年8月,在第十五届理事会上赵九章被选为总编辑, 编辑部设在南京北极阁。
In August 1947, Zhao Jiuzhang was elected Chief Editor at the 15th council meeting. The AMS Editorial Office went back to Beijige, Nanjing.
In April 1951, Zhao Jiuzhang was elected the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman at the first council meeting of CMS since the founding of P. R. China in 1949. The AMS Editorial Office was officially sited at No. 17 Beiwei Hutong, Beijing.
In December 1954, Li Xianzhi became the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman.
In August 1962, Ye Duzheng was appointed the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the 18th Council of CMS. The Editorial Office was moved to No. 7 Wuta Temple, Beijing and stationed there ever after (the street was renamed to be the current one later).
In June 1966, the publication of AMS was ceased.
In March 1978, Xie Yibing was chosen to be the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the reformed 18th Council of CMS. On 21 September 1978, AMS was authorized to recommence publication by the National Science and Technology Commission of China.
In June 1979, the publication of AMS was resumed officially.
In October 1982, Liao Dongxian was selected the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the 20th Council of CMS.
In June 1985, a symposium was held in Beijing in celebration of the 60th anniversary of AMS, and a special issue was published.
In December 1986, Zhou Xiuji was appointed the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the 21st Council of CMS.
In September 1987, AMS English Edition was officially launched.
In 1996, AMS changed from quarterly into bimonthly.
In 2002, AMS was awarded the title of “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC).
In 2003, AMS obtained the National Periodical Award, and was titled again “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China”. 
In 2004, AMS was, for the third time, titled “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by ISTIC.
In 2005, AMS obtained again the National Periodical Award, and was titled the fourth time “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by ISTIC. In December 2005, a symposium was held in Beijing in celebration of the 80th anniversary of AMS, and a special issue was published.
In 2006, AMS was titled the fifth time “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by ISTIC.
In December 2006, Ding Yihui was appointed the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the 25th Council of CMS.
In 2007, AMS was titled the sixth time “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by ISTIC, and successfully obtained funds from the Elite S&T Journal Program of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST). AMS English Edition was indexed by SCIE.
In 2008, AMS again obtained funds from the Elite S&T Journal Program of CAST. In December 2008, AMS was honored by the CAST and ISTIC as the Elite S&T Journal of China for Year 2008.
In 2009, AMS entered the demo project of the Elite S&T Journal Program of CAST, and was titled the seventh time “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China” by ISTIC. AMS English Edition became bimonthly.
In October 2010, a symposium was held in Beijing in celebration of the 80th anniversary of AMS. In 2010, AMS remained in the demo project of the Elite S&T Journal Program of CAST.
In September 2011, the 27th Editorial Committee of AMS was established, and Ding Yihui was appointed the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the CMS. In 2011, AMS remained in the demo project of the Elite S&T Journal Program of the CAST. AMS was honored by the CAST and ISTIC as the Elite S&T Journal of China for Year 2011.
In 2012, AMS Chinese Edition and English Edition were titled "2012' The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) (total 175 Titles nationwide) in Chinese Academic Journal International Citation Report (CAJ-IJCR).
In 2013, AMS was endorsed as “100 Excellent S&T Journals of China” by the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television of China.
In 2013, AMS received “China Government Award for Journals –Nominees Award 2013a” by the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television of China.
In 2013, AMS Chinese Edition and English Edition were titled "2013' The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) (total 175 Titles nationwide) in Chinese Academic Journal International Citation Report (CAJ-IJCR).
2014年1月,《气象学报》英文版更名为Journal of Meteorological Research,并成立新的编委会(英文版编委会2012年10月开始试运行)。
In 2014, AMS English Edition (Acta Meteorologica Sinica) was renamed as Journal of Meteorological Research (JMR)with a new ISSN 2095-6037, and a new Editorial Board (The Board started to try run since October 2012).
In 2014, AMS Chinese Edition and JMR were titled "2014' The Highest International Impact Academic Journals of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) (total 175 Titles nationwide) in Chinese Academic Journal International Citation Report (CAJ-IJCR). AMS was honored by the CAST and ISTIC as the Elite S&T Journal of China for the 3rd Term (2014-2017).
In October 2014, a special issue in celebration of the 90th anniversary of the Chinese Meteorological Society was published in both Chinese and English.
In December 2014, the 28th Editorial Committee of AMS was established, and Ding Yihui was appointed to continue serving as the AMS Editorial Committee Chairman by the CMS.
In May 2015, AMS received funds from the Elite S&T Journal Program of the CAST for 2015-2017.
In September 2015, AMS was endorsed again as “100 Excellent S&T Journals of China” by the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television of China.
In 2016-2018, AMS Chinese Edition was titled "The Excellent International Impact Academic Journal of China" (Science/Technology/Medicine) (total 175 Titles nationwide) in Chinese Academic Journal International Citation Report (CAJ-IJCR).
In 2017, AMS was titled the eighth time “100 Outstanding Academic Journals of China 2016” by ISTIC.


AMS was honored by the CAST and ISTIC as the Elite S&T Journal of China for the fourth Term (2017-2020).


In January 2018, AMS was endorsed the 3rd time as “100 Excellent S&T Journals of China” by the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film, and Television of China.