庞轶舒,周长艳,王顺久,罗玉. 2024. 西南地区冬季异常冷湿/暖干的气候背景分析[J]. 气象学报, (0):-, doi:[doi]
Analysis on Climate Background of the Abnormal Cold and Wet/Warm and Dry Winters in Southwest China
投稿时间:2023-09-05  修订日期:2024-02-25
中文关键词:  西南地区冬季气候,冷湿/暖干气候配置,气候背景,青藏高原高压,贝加尔湖高压
英文关键词:Winter climate in SWC, cold-wet/warm-dry climate configuration, climate background, Qinghai Tibet Plateau High, Baikal Lake High
庞轶舒 四川省气候中心/高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室 610072
周长艳* 中国气象局成都高原研究所 610072
王顺久 四川省气候中心/高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室 610072
罗玉 四川省气候中心/高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室 610072
摘要点击次数: 409
全文下载次数: 95
      This article explores the key circulation systems and important influencing factors of the abnormal cold- wet/warm-dry climate pattern of winter in Southwestern China (SWC) by historical diagnostic analysis and case studies. As the results shown, cold-wet or warm-dry is the most common winter climate configuration of SWC, which is the first mode of precipitation and temperature by multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MVEOF), contributing 34.4% of the total variance. While temporal coefficient of this mode decreases with time dramatically. Reverse variation of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau High and the High nearby Baikal Lake at the middle layers forms a circulation dipole pattern of ‘positive in north while negative in south’ (‘positive in south while negative in north’), which enhances (weakens) the northerly winds to transport cold air from high latitudes to SWC. Meanwhile, the southern branch trough is intensified (abated), which is beneficial (unfavorable) for water vapor transportation from Indian Ocean to the most parts of SWC. Such patterns are key to cold-wet or warm-dry climate configuration of winter in SWC. In addition, the two circulation systems are independent from each other and have different influence sources. In autumn, the higher (lower) sea surface temperature to the south of the Aleutian Islands (NPS) could stimulate the Pacific North American type (PNA) wave train and then lead the enhanced (weakened) North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in winter, which stimulates (suppresses) the eastward propagation of Rossby wave and thereby intensifies (reduces) the downstream Lake Baikal high-pressure. While the lower (higher) sea surface temperature to the west of Australia (AWS) in autumn is conducive to the strengthening (weakening) of the Mascarene High, and enhancing (weakening) the cross equatorial flow in Somalia and the Philippines. That would result in a stronger (weaker) convection in the equatorial East Indian Ocean and oceanic continents, and then strengthens (weakens) the Qinghai Tibet Plateau High through local Hadley circulation. The above external forcing factors and circulation systems are the key reasons for the abnormal cold and wet winter of SWC in 2021.
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