钟珊珊,何金海,管兆勇,温敏. 2009. 1961—2001年青藏高原大气热源的气候特征[J]. 气象学报, 67(3):407-416, doi:10.11676/qxxb2009.040
Climate characteristics of QTP atmospheric heat source in 1961-2001
投稿时间:2007-09-25  修订日期:2008-06-16
中文关键词:  青藏高原,热量分布,加热厚度,气候转变
英文关键词:Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, heat distribution, heating depth, climate transition
钟珊珊 南京信息工程大学气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室南京210044 
何金海 南京信息工程大学气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室南京210044 
管兆勇 南京信息工程大学气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室南京210044 
温敏 中国气象科学研究院灾害天气国家重点实验室北京100081 
摘要点击次数: 4406
全文下载次数: 3535
      文中利用ECMWF逐日再分析资料,用“倒算法”计算了1961—2001年青藏高原上空热量源汇,并分析了高原上空大气热量分布的气候状况。结果表明:(1)3—9月,高原上空为热源,热源最强在6月;10—2月是热汇,热汇最强在12月。整个高原上空,全年大气热量状况主要表现为热源持续时间长,且热源强度较热汇要大得多。对整层热源贡献最大的因子是垂直输送项。(2)从大气加热的垂直廓线来看,热源最大值层出现的高度随季节基本没有变化,集中在600—500 hPa,但加热的强度和厚度却随季节是变化的;而热汇最大值层和强度随季节是变化的。(3)高原整层的水平分布复杂,表现出强的区域性特征:高原热源西部变化比东部迅速,4—8月西部热源强度明显强于东部。春季,高原西部热源增强迅速,在5月出现200 W/m 2中心,比东部提前1个月。7月整个高原热源开始向南减弱,西部热源至10月转为热汇,比东部又提前了1个月。(4)自1979年后,各季节高原热源变化均表现出1990年前后的气候转变信号。夏季,高原热源变率表现为南北反位相型,其他季节为高原的中部 东北部与高原东南部反位相型。
      The paper calculated heat source and heat sink over the Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity (QTP) during 1961-2001 by use of the daily ECMWF reanalysis and the “inverse algorithm”, and discussed the climate regimes linked to the thermal sources over the QTP. Results suggest that (1)The region over the QTP with the height more than 3000 m above the sea level acts as a heat source, the maximum is in June with the amount of 214 W/m2 and as a heat sink in October – February with the minimum of –84 W/m2 in December. The heat source lasts for 7 months in the whole atmospheric extent and much stronger than the sink in the wintertime. Therefore the heating effects of the QTP are asymmetric in the seasons. The term of vertical transport of temperature is the factor making greatest contribution to among the three.(2) As shown in the heating vertical profile, the maximum heat source layer occurs dominantly between 500—600 hPa, but with the season-dependent heating strength and depth, and, in contrast, the cold source has its maximum layer and intensity varying as a function of time. The height-varying Q1 is featured mainly by the opposite trend of intensity of the heat to cold source and the whole process can be described as a “cylinder stator” of an engine in operation, with the piston representing source transition that divides the heat and cold source in vertical, as shown in the “steam chests” of the engine. As time goes on, the volume (thickness) is changing constantly for both. As the heat source expands its volume, i.e., the piston goes up, the thickness of the cold source diminishes and v.v. As indicated by the vertical profile, the “piston” reaches its top in July—August when the heat source is the deepest. Conversely, as the “piston” has its lowest position, the cold source covers the greatest depth in October—December, and the troposphere is nearly under the control of the cold source.(3) The horizontal distribution of the heat sources throughout the troposphere (from surface to 100 hPa) is complicated, displaying noticeable regionality, i.e., the heat source changes faster in the western than in the eastern QTP, with the western source considerably stronger in April—August, and intensified quickly enough to show a 200 W/m2 center in May, one month ahead of the eastern source. When July comes the regional heat source begins to weaken towards the south, during which the western source weakens faster, changing to a cold source in October, again one month earlier compared to the eastern counterpart. (4)Since 1979 the seasonal variability of the heat source has shown climate transition signals, as clearly seen in 1990/1991. In summer the variability leads to a see – saw meridionally and for the other seasons there is an anti-phase distribution between the central – NE and SE QTP.
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