胡雯,郑淋淋,谢五三,霍彦峰,丁一汇,黄勇. 2020. 淮河流域能量和水分循环观测系统及作用[J]. 气象学报, 78(5):735-744, doi:10.11676/qxxb2020.063
The observational system of water and energy cycles in the Huaihe River Basin and its application
投稿时间:2020-06-01  修订日期:2020-08-24
中文关键词:  HUBEX  气象水文联合观测  多尺度综合观测网  梅雨锋暴雨  区域气候-水文耦合模式  资料同化
英文关键词:HUBEX  Joint observation of meteorology and hydrology  Multi-scale comprehensive observation network  Meiyu front rainstorm  Regional coupled climate and hydrology model  Data assimilation
胡雯 安徽省气象局大气科学与卫星遥感安徽省重点实验室合肥230031  
郑淋淋 安徽省气象台合肥230031 zhengll.2@163.com 
谢五三 安徽省气候中心合肥230031  
霍彦峰 安徽省气象科学研究所合肥230031
丁一汇 国家气候中心北京100081  
黄勇 安徽省气象科学研究所合肥230031
摘要点击次数: 788
全文下载次数: 433
      淮河流域是中国南北气候重要的过渡带,气象灾害频繁发生。这里水网、农田、丘陵、山地、城镇密布,地-气作用复杂,干冷与暖湿空气时常交汇于此,造成局地或流域旱涝经常发生。淮河流域处于梅雨区,且是中国重要的农业生产基地,具有气象和水文综合观测系统,积累了长序列的气象和水文观测资料。因此,淮河流域是研究能量和水分循环的理想试验区。国家自然科学基金重大项目“淮河流域能量与水分循环试验和研究(HUaihe river Basin Experiment,简称HUBEX)”于1998、1999年夏在淮河流域开展了气象和水文联合观测试验。文中回顾了HUBEX试验的目的、观测网设计与布局,介绍了HUBEX推动下的淮河流域综合观测网的发展,总结了HUBEX观测试验对区域气候事件和暴雨等灾害性天气机理研究、提高模式模拟和预报能力及建立长期连续的气象观测数据集等方面的成果和作用。
      Huaihe River Basin is a transition zone of climate between the northern and southern of China, where meteorological disasters occur frequently. Water networks, farmlands, hills, mountains and towns are densely distributed in this region with complicated air-land interactions. The convergence of cold dry air and warm moist air occurs frequently, resulting in local or basin-scale disasters. The Huaihe River Basin is located in Meiyu area and is an important agricultural production base in China. There are comprehensive meteorological and hydrological observation systems in this region, and long-term meteorological and hydrological observational data have been obtained. Therefore, the Huaihe River Basin is an ideal experiment area for the study of water and energy cycles. The project "HUaihe river Basin energy and water cycle EXperiment (HUBEX)", which was sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, carried out a joint observation experiment of meteorology and hydrology in the Huaihe River Basin in the summers of 1998 and 1999. The present paper reviews the purpose of the HUBEX,the design and layout of the observation network, and introduces the development of observation network in the Huaihe River Basin based on HUBEX. The achievements and functions of the HUBEX are summarized from the perspectives of the mechanism study of regional climate events and rainstorms, the improvement of the model ability for simulation and prediction, and the establishment of long-term continuous meteorological observation dataset, etc.
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