吴国雄,郑永骏,刘屹岷. 2013. 涡旋发展和移动的动力和热力问题Ⅱ:广义倾斜涡度发展[J]. 气象学报, 71(2):198-208, doi:10.11676/qxxb2013.019
Dynamical and thermal problems in vortex development and movement. Part Ⅱ: Generalized slantwise vorticity development
投稿时间:2012-03-28  修订日期:2012-08-31
中文关键词:  位涡  涡度发展  倾斜涡度发展  广义倾斜涡度发展
英文关键词:Potential vorticity  Vorticity development  Slantwise vorticity development  Generalized slantwise vorticity development
吴国雄 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室, 北京, 100029 
郑永骏 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室, 北京, 100029
中国科学院大学, 北京, 100049 
刘屹岷 中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室, 北京, 100029 
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      从位涡-位温(犘犞-θ)以及拉格朗日观点, 引入广义倾斜涡度发展的概念研究绝热条件下的垂直涡度发展。广义倾斜涡度发展是一个与涡度发展的坐标无关的概念框架, 该框架包括倾斜涡度发展。倾斜涡度发展研究当大气处于稳定或不稳 定层结情形, 空气质点沿着向上凸的陡峭等熵面下滑或沿着向下凹的陡峭等熵面上滑过程垂直涡度激烈发展。因此, 倾斜涡 度发展是研究强烈天气过程的涡度发展非常强的情形。此外, 广义倾斜涡度发展概念澄清了涡度发展和倾斜涡度发展的区 别, 涡度发展和倾斜涡度发展的判别标准表明, 倾斜涡度发展的要求比涡度发展的要求严格很多。在空气质点沿着向上凸的 陡峭等熵面下滑或沿着向下凹的陡峭等熵面上滑过程, 当在稳定大气中静力稳定度(θz)迅速减小或在不稳定大气中静力稳定 度(θz)迅速增大, 即静力稳定度(θz)趋于0时, 如果CD<0,那么垂直涡度将急速发展。应用得到的理论结果分析了2008年7 月下旬的一次青藏高原低涡过程, 该低涡形成于青藏高原中西部, 东移滑出青藏高原然后继续东移, 给四川盆地和长江中下 游带来强降水。诊断表明, 2008年7月22日00-06时(世界时)青藏高原低涡沿着四川盆地东北边的斜坡爬升时低涡加强 发展, 犘犞2 变化对低涡加强发展有贡献, 因为此时的水平涡度(ηs)变化和斜压度(θs)变化都对垂直涡度发展起正贡献。而且, 22日06时, 330K 等熵面的倾斜涡度发展判据满足, 表明倾斜涡度发展并对垂直涡度发展起重要贡献。围绕着低涡中心较强 的涡度发展和倾斜涡度发展信号表明, 广义倾斜涡度发展概念框架可以作为诊断天气过程的一个有用工具。
      The development of vertical vorticity under adiabatic condition is investigated by virtue of the view of potential vorticity and potential temperature(PV-θ) and from a Lagrangian perspective. A new concept of generalized slantwise vorticity development(GSVD) is introduced for adiabatic condition. The GSVD is a coordinate independent framework of vorticity development (VD) which includes slantwise vorticity development (SVD) when a particle is sliding down the concave slope or up the convex slope of a sharply tilting isentropic surface under stable or unstable condition. The SVD is a special VD for studying the severe weather systems with rapid development of vertical vorticity. In addition, the GSVD clarifies VD and SVD. The criteria for VD and SVD demonstrate that the demand for SVD is much more restricted than the demand for VD. When an air parcel is moving down the concave slope or up the convex slope of a sharply tilting isentropic surface in a stable stratified atmosphere with its stability decreasing, or in an unstable atmosphere with its stability increasing, i.e., its stability θz approaches zero, its vertical vorticity can develop rapidly if its CD is decreasing.
The theoretical results are employed to analyze a Tibetan Plateau(TP) vortex (TPV) which appeared over the TP then slid down and moved eastward in late July 2008, resulting heavy rainfall in Sichuan Province and along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The change of PV2 contributed to the intensification of the TPV from 00:00 UTC to 06:00 UTC 22 July 2008 when it slid upward on the upslope of the northeastern edge of Sichuan basin, since the changes in both horizontal vorticity ηs and baroclinity θs have positive effects on the development of vertical and vorticity. At 06:00 UTC 22 July 2008, the criterion for SVD at 300 K isentropic surface is satisfied, meaning that SVD occured and contributed significantly to the development of vertical vorticity. The appearance of the stronger signals concerning the VD and SVD surrounding the vortex indicates that the GSVD concept can serve as a useful tool for diagnosing the development of weather systems.
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