段旭,张秀年,许美玲. 2004. 云南及其周边地区中尺度对流系统时空分布特征[J]. 气象学报, 62(2):243-250, doi:10.11676/qxxb2004.025 |
云南及其周边地区中尺度对流系统时空分布特征 |
投稿时间:2003-07-22 修订日期:2003-11-03 |
DOI:10.11676/qxxb2004.025 |
中文关键词: 中尺度对流系统 统计分析 时空分布特征 |
英文关键词:Mesoscale convective system Statistical analyzing Spatial and temporal distribution |
基金项目:云南省“十五”攻关项目(2001NG43) |
摘要点击次数: 3378 |
全文下载次数: 3279 |
中文摘要: |
依据卫星云图红外辐射亮温资料(TBB),对云南及周边地区中尺度对流系统(MCS)进行了统计分析,获得了该地区MβCS,MαCS和MCC的时空分布特征。结果表明:MCS多发生在低纬度高原东部的滇黔和中越之间;平均每年6~8月为MCS主要发生时段(占总发生次数的67.1%),MCS特别是MαCS和MCC发生频率最高的是6月,其与季节性变化(东亚季风和印度季风爆发)和下垫面加热易形成空气热对流有关;低纬高原地区MCS除了18~23时有1个高峰发生时段外,0~7时还有1个次高峰发生时段,这与中国其他地区有明显的不同,说明高原地区的MCS还具有地域特点。另外还对MCS的移动路径进行了分析。 |
英文摘要: |
By statistical analyzing to mesoscale convective systems(MCS) in lower latitude plateau of China with sate-llite cloud picture black-body temperature(TBB), the spatial and temporal distribution of meso-β scale convect ive syst ems(MβCS) and meso-α scale convect ive systems(MαCS) and mesoscale convective complex (MCC) have been studied. The results showed that the MCS occurred in two favorable areas. One of them wast hearea between Yunnan and Guizhou in the eastern lower latitude plateau and the other one was the area between China and Vietnam. It also has been found that the occurrence of MCS was relat ed to the elevation. There were more MCSs in the interim areas such as Yunnan-Guizhou, Yunnan-Vietnam, Sichuan-Yunnan and Jinsha River valley, and fewer in those areas which elevation was higher than it's around. It was related to the actions of cold at mosphere, lower unstable energy and mountain-plain circulations. The MCSs mainly occurred in June, July and August (occupied 67.1% of all the MCSs), and there were most MCSs and MCCs in June. These caused the seasonal variation (the onset of East Asian M onsoon and Sout h Asian Monsoon) and heat convection with heating underlying surface. There was a subpeak of generation in 0-7 BST besides a main peak of generation in 18-23 BST. It is different f rom the other areas in our country, may be caused by the special topography and the geographical position. The moving routes also have been studied in this paper. Most MCSs moved from the west or the north west to the east or the sout heast. Some MCSs moved along the sout hern airf low of the subtropical high. About 1/4 MCSs were quasistationary. |
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