王遵娅,丁一汇,何金海,虞俊. 2004. 近50年来中国气候变化特征的再分析[J]. 气象学报, 62(2):229-236, doi:10.11676/qxxb2004.023
投稿时间:2003-07-29  修订日期:2003-11-12
中文关键词:  气候变化  温度  降水  相对湿度  海平面气压  风速
英文关键词:Climate change  Temperature  Precipitation  Relative hum idity  Sea level pressure  Wind speed
王遵娅 南京气象学院, 南京, 210044 
丁一汇 国家气候中心, 北京, 100081 
何金海 南京气象学院, 南京, 210044 
虞俊 中国气象局, 北京, 100081 
摘要点击次数: 4649
全文下载次数: 7652
      Some new features of the climate change in China in recent 50 years are shown by investigating the charac teristics of the change of temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, wind speed and sea level pressure based on the 740 st at ions daily data in China, which is the most complete station data set in China processed by National Meteorological Center recently. The new findings includes:(1) The average temperat ure in the whole country has been increasing most obviously since 1980's in recent 50 years. Also, the temperature in South western China has been increasing since 1990's after a long-term low temperature period. However, the temperat ure in Upper-middle Yangtze basins shows the decreasing trend evidently in summer. (2) Total amount of rainfall in China has the slight decreasing trend. However, the precipitation in summer has increased significantly, particularly in the south of Yangtze River and since 1990's. At the same time, precipitation in North China has decreased greatly. These variations imply that East Asian summer monsoon has weakened. (3) The change of relative humidity in the whole country is similar with that of precipitation. Taking account of the change in temperature and precipitation, it can be found that West China is becoming warmer and wetter, especially in North west China. (4) Wind speed has de creased evidently in the whole China, especially in winter and Western North west China, where average wind speed decreased by 29% or so, comparing the wind speed in 1990's and in 1950's. The evident wind speeds decrease is associated with the weakening of East Asian winter monsoon. (5) Average sea level pressure has been getting higher in China, particularly in North China in winter. This kind of change is probably relative to wind speeds great decrease. (6) There is a special area on Tibet an plateau situated at 85.0-95.0°E and 35-40°N, where temperature, precipit at ion and sea surface pressure has increased, whereas, wind speed decreased which is mostevident in china. It is worth to study further what caused the great change.
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