黄立文,吴国雄,宇如聪,秦曾灏. 2001. 海洋风暴形成的一种动力学机制[J]. 气象学报, 59(6):674-684, doi:10.11676/qxxb2001.071 |
海洋风暴形成的一种动力学机制 |
投稿时间:2000-03-13 修订日期:2001-03-12 |
DOI:10.11676/qxxb2001.071 |
中文关键词: 动力学机制 涡动热输送 不同时间尺度 能量转换 海洋风暴形成 |
英文关键词:Dynamical mechanism,Eddy heat transfer Different time scales Energy conversion Murine storm genesis |
基金项目:优秀国家重点实验室研究项目基金(40023001);国家自然科学重点基金项目(49736200) |
摘要点击次数: 2561 |
全文下载次数: 2873 |
中文摘要: |
文中从观测统计学、瞬变涡动能量学和MM5中尺度数值模拟角度,研究了海洋风暴(爆发性气旋)形成的气候特征及其可能的动力学机制,揭示了一幅爆发性发展的物理图像。结果表明,在冷季大气特别是日本以东洋面上大气特有的热力气候背景下,通过同海洋风暴过程相联系的涡动热通量vθ的向极地输送(-vý θ¸θm>0),将季节尺度的时间平均有效位能向瞬变涡旋时间尺度的涡动有效位能转换,是海洋风暴形成的主要动力机制。在该过程中转换来的具有最大贡献的涡动有效位能,连同具有次大贡献的积云加热制造的涡动有效位能( )一起,通过暖异常区(α>0)暖湿空气上升运动(-ω>0)的斜压转换(-ωα),促使涡动动能增长。同时,补充的涡动有效位能又加强了暖异常区的暖湿空气上升运动,进而产生积云对流活动及其潜热释放的正反馈过程,最终导致涡动动能急剧增长和海洋风暴的形成。海-气潜热输送的作用是在风暴形成初期提供后来积云尺度对流活动及潜热释放的水汽潜力。研究还表明,海洋风暴主要发生在冷季月份130°E以东的中高纬洋面上,这种对特定季节和特定海域的依赖性是大气和海洋气候背景的动力/热力共同作用的结果。 |
英文摘要: |
Climatological characteristics and a dynamical mechanism of marine stor mgenesis (explosive cyclone)are investigated in the paper from observation statistics,transienteddy energetics and mesoscal enumerical simulation of MM5.The results show thatunder the circum stance of favor able at mospheric thermody namic background especially over the eastern ocean of Japan during the cold seasons,viapoleward transfer of eddy heat fluxes associated with a marine storm the energy conversion from Pmon seasonal scale to Peontransienteddy scale is a dynamic mechanism of marine storm genesis.The converted greater eddy potential energy,along with the secondary one made by cumulus heating,is further transferred to eddy kinetic energy viaupward motion of anomaly warm air,hence enhancing the growth of eddy kinetic energy.Meanwhile,the compensatory eddy potential energy also enhances the upward motion of anomaly warmair that leads to cumulus convective activities and ensuing latentheat release.This builds a positive feedback process and results in the rapid growth of eddy kinetic energy and marine storm genesis.Latentheat flux from the ocean during the incipient storm provides a potential for cumulus convective and condensation latentr elease during explosive development.The resul tsalso show that marinestor moccurs preferentially over the mid-and high-latitude oceaneast of 130°E during the cold seasons.The dependence property on special locations and seasons results from the synthetic dynamic/thermody namic role of at mospheric and oceanic climatological background. |
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