薛鐵虎. 1941. 南京之微塵[J]. 气象学报, 15(2):63-72, doi:10.11676/qxxb1941.011 |
南京之微塵 |
The Dust Counts at Nanking during the years 1933-1936 |
DOI:10.11676/qxxb1941.011 |
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中文摘要: |
南京之微塵係薛君在民國二十七年由炯之鼓勵督導而成者。文中關於微塵數在一年中之分布及其與各種氣象要素之關係,論之綦詳,寶為國人論微塵之創作。不意薛君在二十九年四月二十日挈妻若子乘民用輪由渝返碚)中途失吉,阖門遇難!發其行篋,重覩斯稿,手澤尚新,嗚呼惜战!今為福其遺著,披讀之餘,不知涕泗之何從矣! |
英文摘要: |
This is a statistical study of daily dust number observations made at Pei-chi-ko, Nanking, during the years 1933-1936 inclusive. Daily observations were taken at 8h with Owen's dust counter and published serially in the Monthly Mete }rologieal Bulletins of the Institute of Meteorology. 9 tables are embodied for average, extreme dust numbers and for various wind direction forces, visibility, humidity and weather, and with discussions. |
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